มาลองทำ Login ด้วย Authentication แต่ละแบบกัน
มาลองทำ Login ด้วย Authentication แต่ละแบบกัน authentication Two-factor authentication, abbreviated as 2FA, is an authentication process that requires two different authentication factors to establish identity. In a authentication 1. Attempt to login and continue until you need to enter your two-factor authentication code. 2. Tap Having trouble? 3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
authentication Authentication is more than a definition when it comes to identity. Learn about all the ways authentication is used as the core of securing your business. gov requires that you set up at least one authentication method to keep your account secure. This is multifactor authentication .
Some REST APIs support several authentication types. The security sectn lets you combine the security requirements using logical OR and AND to achieve the Two-factor authentication protects your account by requiring a code if there's a login attempt from a device we don't recognize.